Hello! I’m Lingyu, an AI research engineer at Duolingo. I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science, specializing in natural language processing.
I am very fortunate to have Prof. Kevin Gimpel as my advisor. During my Ph.D. studies, I focused on text classification and generation, aiming to identify and enhance the capabilities of the generative components of pretrained language models.
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
Ph.D. in Computer Science, M.S. within Ph.D. in Computer Science
Tsinghua University
M.E. in Electrical Engineering, B.E. in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, pandas, and more
MS Office, LaTeX, Version Control (Git)
Mandarin, English
Key Skills: Pytorch, Python, AWS
Target: Selecting Better In-Context Learning Demonstrations for Text Classification
Key Skills: TensorFlow, Pandas, Python, NumPy, LaTeX
Models: Flan-PaLM 2, off-the-shelf retriever (fine-tuned on mT5)
Target: Generating Questions of Different Styles Controlled with Keywords
Key Skills: PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning, Python, NumPy
Models: T5, mT5, ByT5
Target: Generating and Ranking Inquisitive Questions Controlled with Question Types
Key Skills: PyTorch, Fairseq, Pandas, Python, NumPy, LaTeX
Models: RoBERTa, BART
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